Born in Havana the day October 2, 1968. Painter, Sculptor, Draftsman. Member of the Association of Brethren Saz. Member of the Cuban Association of Artisans and Artists. Received Training Course theorists-practices of screen printers. Workshop Rene Portocarrero. 1990-1991. Theoretically, of course Orfebreray practices Jewelry. Black Coral Corporacion Cimex SA .1991-1996 Courses Taught Workshop jewelery black coral carving and craft items confeccin several. January-April 1997. Paul Artisan School of Torriente Brau. Jewelery workshop. Jewelery shop carving black coral and confeccin of crafts in several. September-octubre1997. Local industries. Municipio Playa. Solo Exhibitions 1982 Galeria Servando Cabrera Moreno People's March 1986 Fighter Museum 1996 Clara I. Resurrection Frica.Oficina House Historian of the City. Habana Vieja. 1997 Clara Resurrection II. Simon Bolivar House., Office of the Historian of the City. Habana Vieja. Stained Glass Showroom 1997. Student house. University East. Showroom 1997 Mella, 1997 East University Clara Resurrection III and IV Workshop Lachataere scientist Ortiz, Fernando Ortiz Cultural Center. Santiago de Cuba. 1998 - Pure Patience 98. Hall of Mirrors. Museum of the Revolution 2000 Identity. Casa Carmen Montilla Tinoco. Office of the Historian of the City. Habana Vieja. 2002 Expo subtle cravings. Galley House of Simon Bolivar. Office of the Historian of the City. Habana Vieja. 2002 In black and white. Sala Juan Marinello. Center for Cuban Movement for Peace and Sovereign Peoples. 2003 From my races.Museo Municipal Beach. .2004 _From The threshold of my dreams. Guayasamn Oswaldo House. 2004 In my dreams your dreams. Yoruba Society of Cuba. 2004 - World mgico.Galera The Louvre. Cermica. Hotel Inglaterra. 2005-Call alerta.Galera Servando Cabrera Moreno. Municipio Playa. 2005 Exhibition Hall of the City of Reinosa, Cantabria, Spain. 2005 Exhibition hall of the Casino de Santander, Cantabria, Spain. 2006 - The Tank.Belfast Galera Northern Ireland. 2007 - Expo Del nectar to the line. Museum of Playa. 2007 - Races old city. Model of the City Museum (Sandy) Group Exhibitions 1988 Exhibition of Folk Art. 1991 National Theater of Cuba 1996 - Eco Expo my dcimas.Museo Municipal Beach. 1997 - Second Meeting Between Cubans. Casa de Africa. Office of the Historian of the City. Habana Vieja. 1998 - 7th. Biennale of Applied Arts Ravenet Sunday. Municipio La Lisa. Pure Patience 1999 Museum of the Revolution. 1999 - In Praise of the mask. Galera Fayad Jamis ExpoCaribe 2001 International Salon. East Galera Santiago de Cuba. 2001 El Prado sculptures, Santiago de Cuba. 2002 - Hall of instructors. Beach Culture Week. Galera Servando Cabrera Moreno. 2002 Expo, all mixed. Galeria La Isla infinite. ICBP Victory of Girne. 2002 African Event Races. The salon African postmodernity. Wemilere 2002. Guanabacoa. Collective Expo 2003 Cuban and Andalusian painters. Sala Juan Marinello. Center for Cuban Movement for Peace and Peoples Poberania. 2003 - African Races event. The living room in the postmodern African devoted to Haiti. Wemilere 2004. Guanabacoa. 2004 - El Prado in Wemilere, Wemilere in the Prado. XVI Festival of Races Wemilere African. Socio-cultural project Painting in the Prado. Galera Concha Ferrant. 2005 - One more close than another. Casona Plaza of the Revolution 17.Municipio. 2006 - Expo-Dimensional. Sculpture. Playa Municipal Museum. 2006-The first of the Prado in La Casona de 17. Image Project 3. Located All jazz works. (Interior). Claudio Arguelles Company. Piazza Municipio up and down. Claudio Arguelles Company. Municipio Plaza The lamppost. Claudio Arguelles Company. Municipio Plaza The pendulum. (Interior). Claudio Arguelles Company. Municipio Plaza Other Events First Meeting of Artists and Creators of Havana City, related to Caguayo SA III International Congress on Cultural computer science. CONCLUSION Workshop GEF Project: Support Implementacin a Biosafety Framework in Cuba. His works are in private and public collections in the United States, Italy, Mexico, Spain, England, Spain. Marketed by Mela Galeras Havana, has made designs form of social circles ambientacin for home visits, Ascom work restauraciny conservation of easel painting, objects gold, silver and others. Member of the ACAA, the ADAVIS, is represented in addition by the Foundation Caguayo SA and belongs to the Creator's Registry of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Cuba.